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Preserving Memories

Holiday how-to: 5 steps for fewer photos with more meaning

Overwhelmed with the countless holiday photos you’ve snapped already? What about the dozens or even hundreds more you’re going to take on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning? How do you manage and enjoy them instead of drowning in what are supposed to be happy memories? That was the subject of our first-ever “live” video broadcast …

Holiday how-to: 5 steps for fewer photos with more meaning Read More »

Review: greetingStory by Pass It Down

It’s always exciting when the UPS truck stops at your house, isn’t it? Recently he stopped at my house and dropped off a package from Pass it Down. They sent us a preview of their new greetingStory line of cards. We had seen samples of these at RootsTech earlier this year, and now we have the opportunity …

Review: greetingStory by Pass It Down Read More »

Storytelling might be bad for academia but it’s good for people

I read an interesting article yesterday titled, “Oral History and How It Makes Learning Less Effective, Study Shows.” The article made a couple of different points: Oral history is becoming more popular in some countries, including the US. A study found that those who listened to the stories being told didn’t meet the educational standards hoped for. This …

Storytelling might be bad for academia but it’s good for people Read More »

How-to: The best practices for managing digital photos, part 2

Part one covered the more common file formats for managing digital photos. You can read it here. Talking about file formats was a little tech-heavy, this part is less techy (I think). We’ll talk about image resolution, where to store photos, how to digitize printed photos and how to share digital photos. Let’s jump right …

How-to: The best practices for managing digital photos, part 2 Read More »

who's your hero?

Who’s your hero? Why answering this question matters

Who is your hero? Pondering and answering this question for yourself is a meaningful exercise, and asking loved ones the same question can provide amazing insight…   My daughter taught me a priceless lesson when she presented this partially-completed masterpiece. I could tell right away who she had drawn (though, admittedly, her portrayal of me …

Who’s your hero? Why answering this question matters Read More »

How-to: The best practices for managing digital photos, part 1

When it comes to managing digital photos, technology can be a blessing and a curse. The good news is, it’s up to you to decide which it will be. One of the challenges – or curses – is knowing that technology can simplify some part of life, but not knowing how to actually use it …

How-to: The best practices for managing digital photos, part 1 Read More »

holidays writing prompts

Using holidays as writing prompts for personal and family history: Easter traditions

When teaching classes and talking with clients, I always tell them there are two methods of making time to journal or write your personal history: 1. Make a routine of writing consistently. AND 2. Write when you’re out of routine, especially on vacation, at holidays or special occasions. Routine is great for getting in the habit …

Using holidays as writing prompts for personal and family history: Easter traditions Read More »

Harriett Thornton Hicks 100th birthday

Using funerals to gather family stories

Funerals are a delicate subject and a difficult time. In some cases, grief may be too all-consuming to do anything other than survive. But in other cases, they provide a golden opportunity to gather family stories. Be prepared. Be respectful. Depending on the particular funeral format, there may be several ways in which stories of loved ones …

Using funerals to gather family stories Read More »

Family Strong

How Storytelling Creates Stronger Families

The disappearing art of family storytelling is a critical part of strong family foundations. Children who learn from family storytelling tend to be more resilient and better able to overcome challenges. They have higher self-esteem and feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves. Children with these qualities are more likely to have a …

How Storytelling Creates Stronger Families Read More »