I realized this morning that writing about our lives makes us vulnerable. It takes courage and strength and humility. Vulnerability is hard.
Four days after my 40th birthday, my husband quit his stable job of 17 years. At times in our marriage I have worked professionally, but just months before, we had made the (very vulnerable) decision to educate our children at home. This has many benefits, but none of them are economic.
We had some savings to live on and had not made the decision lightly; we had fasted and prayed and sought inspiration for many months. Nevertheless, it left us in a very vulnerable position.
I appreciate Brené Brown’s research and writing on this subject (and an excellent TED talk if you haven’t seen it). It helps me feel courageous and hopeful in the midst of self-inflicted vulnerability.
Every person I have the privilege of working with in writing and preserving their personal history has the courage to be vulnerable… to “dare greatly,” as Brown says in the echo of Theodore Roosevelt.
Sharing your life story, your ups and downs, your triumphs and tragedies, your mistakes and lessons learned, takes great courage. Yet that vulnerability gives strength beyond measure, to you and to the generations yet to come who draw on your wisdom and experience.
Have the courage to be vulnerable, to share your feelings and experiences with those who have earned the right to hear them. Don’t leave your tale untold…