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Preserving Memories

save kids artwork

Curating kids’ artwork: 5 steps to minimize mess and preserve treasures

With a new school year starting, this is the perfect time to plan to be organized! Follow these steps to enjoy and preserve your children’s masterpieces without them taking over your counters, walls and fridge! Curating kids’ artwork: 5 steps to minimize mess and preserve treasures: Fifth in a series of posts to help you organize …

Curating kids’ artwork: 5 steps to minimize mess and preserve treasures Read More »

document everyday family life; summer at home

Documenting everyday family life: a typical summer day at home

Summer is winding down, and hopefully you’ve enjoyed making memories with loved ones… as evidenced by your phone overflowing with pictures, right? Are most of your pictures from a vacation or outing? We tend to capture the moments on camera when we’re out intentionally spending time together, which is as it should be. If you …

Documenting everyday family life: a typical summer day at home Read More »

Veteran history

Tribute to one of my favorite World War II veterans

In honor of all those who serve and sacrifice, here’s a condensed version of one veteran’s tale. Lewis Eugene (Gene) Curtis served in the United States Marine Corps from 1943 (at age 16) until 1946. ……….. I chose the Marines. Mother worked for the Army, in the Pentagon. She worked for Dwight Eisenhower, who was …

Tribute to one of my favorite World War II veterans Read More »