Warm tears wound down my cheeks. I don’t remember. I can’t remember.
It was bedtime with my daughter. The usual hugs, kisses, cuddles and songs weren’t enough tonight. She started asking about Great Grandma Cannon, who passed away 8 years before my daughter was born.

What did she look like? Like a 1940s movie star, with dark waves of hair and red pouty lips. What did you do with her? Go bargain shopping, lounge and watch movies, travel to California and Mexico, talk and have tea parties. Did she have pets? A silly little toy poodle named Muffy that was fiercely protective of her.
I was fortunate to be close to my Grandma for 25 years, so I could answer those questions.
What was her voice like?
Slowly my eyes filled and my voice choked as realization dawned. I can’t remember.
It’s been nearly 16 years since she passed away unexpectedly, and I can’t remember the sound of her voice.
I wish she had left a journal. I wish she had written her history. I wish I could hear her own story in her own words, in her own voice.
Now I make sure others aren’t left with these same regrets. Tell your tale. Record your story. Write your history. Leave print, video and audio records. Someday those who love you will want to know. Make sure they can remember.
To help you, for a limited time I am offering professional audio interviews for only $39.95. You will receive the unedited digital audio file so you don’t have the regret I do about forgetting my Grandma’s voice.
Schedule yours today so you’ll always have that record of your loved one’s voice. Don’t forget that sound.
Don’t leave your tale untold…