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RootsTech 2017 recap – stuff we liked

RootsTech 2017 In case you were unaware, RootsTech 2017- the largest family history conference in the world – was last week (Feb. 8-11). Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll have some in-depth posts about new and improved ways to capture and preserve personal and family stories and narratives. In the meantime, here’s the high level overview …

RootsTech 2017 recap – stuff we liked Read More »

Family Search Memories vs. Google Photos

Family Search Memories vs. Google Photos. Is it even a competition?

Not too long ago, Hilarie was asked how the FamilySearch Memories app compared to Google Photos for photo storage. The person she was talking to said she wasn’t terribly familiar with either, but from what she did know, they sounded like similar, possibly competing products. We promised to look into it and find out. So here …

Family Search Memories vs. Google Photos. Is it even a competition? Read More »

PhotoScan at work

How to quickly scan old photos using PhotoScan (infographic)

In late 2016, Google released a new app for both Android and iOS called PhotoScan. What problem does PhotoScan solve? Can you answer yes to any of these? I have multiple photo albums. (at least with this one, there is implied organization) I have multiple boxes of photos. I have a hard time sorting, finding …

How to quickly scan old photos using PhotoScan (infographic) Read More »

Legacy Tale DEALS 2016

4 steps to digitize your old photos

Fourth in a series of posts to help you organize your family memories… Part 1 (7 steps to manage your photos) Part 2 (4 steps for curating home videos)  Part 3 (Saving voicemail) Part 5 (Curating kids’ artwork) Working on your family or personal history means accumulating old photographs. Digitizing them is a great way to preserve and keep …

4 steps to digitize your old photos Read More »

How to save voicemail from your loved ones

Third in a series of posts to help you organize your family memories… Part 1 (7 steps to manage your photos) Part 2 (4 steps for curating home videos)  Part 4 (4 steps for digitizing old photos) Part 5 (Curating kids artwork) Last year, Save Family Photos shared a guest blog post that Hilarie wrote there. …

How to save voicemail from your loved ones Read More »

Sometimes photos aren’t enough

There is no question that when documenting a personal or family history, photos should be taken often and viewed frequently.  We’ve all heard the old saying: “A picture is worth a thousand words.”  It’s true.  The memories and emotions that come flooding back when we look at old photos are powerful.  But I recently realized it’s …

Sometimes photos aren’t enough Read More »

More expert tips for telling your tale- and for capturing your loved ones’ stories

There are so many wise, articulate voices providing compelling reasons, tips and tools for telling your tale. Check out what Rachel LaCour Niesen of Save Family Photos and Joshua Taylor have to stay about how to capture the histories and stories of your family today. Follow their advice… make sure you record and share your legacy, …

More expert tips for telling your tale- and for capturing your loved ones’ stories Read More »