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The Complete Guide to Google Photos, Second Edition

Tame the unorganized photo beast. Use Google Photos.

How many digital photos do you have? How many printed (pre-digital camera) photos do you have?

Are they organized? Can you quickly find the photos from your daughter’s first birthday or pictures from Christmas morning last year? Or what about your great grandparents on their wedding day?


Imagine being able to find those photos (and videos), add them to a digital album, and share them… all in only a couple of minutes… with a FREE tool from Google. We’ll show you how in simple language and clear steps.

The COmplete Guide on a Mac

Organize current and future photos

How would it be to know that pictures you take in the future can be organized for you virtually on auto-pilot?

Maybe you’ve heard of Google Photos; perhaps you’ve even used it to look at photos on your phone. Google Photos is much more than a photo viewing app or website. It’s a complete photo curation system. Best of all, it’s free. We’ll show you how to take advantage of all its powerful features to manage and share your precious memories.

With this e-book, you can organize your photos with expert know-how from Legacy Tale. Filled with comprehensive, detailed and easy-to-understand instructions– including screen shots and graphics to show you just where to type, click and press– we teach you how to use Google Photos as a fantastic tool for both past and present pictures.

Over 90 pages of in-depth explanation of how to use Google Photos to manage your library. In this e-book, we’ll show you how to:

Get organized – fast. Quickly organize your digital photos by date, place, person…or even events and objects (in the photos)!

Stay organized – easily. Keep future pictures organized the same way, with little time spent managing them.

Share with family. Share and update photos and entire albums without sending huge attachments through email.

Digitize old photos. Convert old printed photos to digital photos using your phone or flatbed scanner, and get them organized.

Quickly create new albums. Get all your digital photos organized and curated in minutes (maybe hours), instead of days (or months).

Have Photos manage backups. No longer worry about having a backup of all your precious photos.

In the last few months, Google has added TONS of new features to Photos. This 2nd edition book covers them all.

  • How to use PhotoScan to scan old pictures and add them to Photos.
  • An in-depth explanation of privacy. How to keep things secure in Photos specifically and in the Google ecosystem in general.
  • How and why to set permissions.
  • How to create physical photo books in Photos.
  • How to work with metadata in Photos.
  • How, when and why to archive or delete photos and the difference between the two.
  • How to use Google Backup and sync to prevent losing any photos.
  • How to configure and secure a shared library.
  • How to use suggested sharing and suggested albums.
  • How to use Google Chromecast with Photos.

Rachel LaCour-Niesen 

 Save Family Photos 


I love what you guys are doing to help families utilize technology seamlessly in their family history endeavors! Your e-books are awesome!

To get started on organizing your photos, click the button below. You’ll be amazed at how quick and easy it is to tame the photo beast using Google Photos.

NOTE: The purchase is handled on a secure page.

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